When we quote for jobs we believe it is important to give a full budget rather than just an overall figure.


This shows the work broken down into jobs, and has been designed to be easy to read and understood.


This honest and transparent approach clearly shows the work budgeted for and options for different finish requirements.


We believe this level of transparency protects both the client and builder from financial surprise, and ensures a high standard of work.



Selecting a builder can be daunting, Shires takes a simple approach to help clients make the right decision when it comes to choosing a contractor.


As well as clear and simple budgets, we encourage prospective clients to speak to previous clients to hear first hand about Shires' approach.



Shires works with a close knit team of professionals.


This team work allows problems to be predicted early and hopefully avoided.


We are used to liaising with architects and engineers to speed up the build and keep costs within budget.



Shires Construction

Tel: 07768 577 273